And this quote appealed to me:
Perhaps two absolutely complementary schools and just from this alchemy are gushed the happened one of the show. High the qualitative level of all the actors but, since riproposto to me to signal an actor for every square, this week I would want to evidence the beautiful tests of Andrea Sambuchi for the square of Umbertide and Stefano Augeri for the square of Rome. For a reason or purpose informative, but with a successful show therefore it is truly a detail, you it marks it that the umbertidese square has adjudicated the evening prevailing itself for 26 to 23 and conquest therefore the first Victoria of the Etruscan Torneo.
Go umbertidese square! 26 to 23 victory! (I think.) And I love when "alchemy are gushed." (Alchemy are Gushed is now my #1 improv team ("square") name of choice.)