Here I am, hanging out at the UCB classrooms, waiting for
Thank You, Robot's weekly practice to begin. I'm noshing on a bagel, drinking coffee, basically trying to wake up. This weekend has been a whirl wind of doing stuff around the house, making plans for next week, and seeing shows. Tons of shows.
I wish I had been awake enough to discuss them after returning home on either Friday or Saturday night... but that was not the case. And it won't happen today either. Hopefully Monday I can ramble on a bit about the following stuff:
• That Indiana Jones and the City of Lost Gods script
• The Apple Sisters show at The P.I.T. and why silly is good.
• The Incredible Hulk and how Marvel will either reinvent superhero movies or (most likely) fail.
• Why I will probably end up seeing The Happening even though I know it is crap.
• Baby Wants Candy and musical improv
• Why A Week of Kindness is brings me joy
• Improv audiences vs. sketch comedy audiences: YouTube Makes Skirts Shorter
• Tens of Thousands makes me bounce
• Other shows I basically slept through