Saturday, November 18

PS3 Launch a Success! (If by "success" you mean "bloody")

So the PS3 launched yesterday. I am sure it "sold out" in record time... easier to do when you ship half of the units you estimated. But don't worry. It appears most of the buyers were planning to sell them on eBay. So, one way to look at it, is that this is great for the economy. Think of the 100-200% price increase on eBay as a "fanboi tax."

I was going to post a list of incidents of violence at the launch, but GamePolitics did a fantasic job, so I shall just direct you there. And you can check out Destructoid's nice collection of vids.

(Note: the picture is of the Denver anti-chinese riots of 1880, which as nothing to do with the launch of the PS3... except for the controversy created by stories of Chinese nationals in Japan being paid to stand in lines to buy the PS3 in Japan. I googled images of riots and liked that one... there just happen to be the nice coincidence.)