I'm taking a break from writing for awhile to watch some election night coverage.
I love election nights. So much crazy fun. And always more fun when it is not just a night of crushing defeats for your believe system.
The exit polls are of course just one pile of BS after another but still entertaining.
CBS is reporting that the feeling inside the Whitehouse is "glum." Welcome to my world, buckos.
Looks like Lieberman will win in CT. Considering that he is a Republican acting Democrat running as an Independent, it's not big surprise. He is the political equivalent of a straight acting lesbian bi-sexual cross dresser male transsexual female impersonator in drag. He appeals to no one or everyone.
NY went the way we all thought. No surprise there. Menendez (D) won in NJ... maybe the office vandalism this morning worked. In RH Whitehouse (D) won, which supposedly is a big deal although I don't know why. But he ran on the slogan "Have a Whitehouse in Washigton you can trust" which is cute but just a bit easy.
Governors seem to be going both ways. Governors do that.
Cardin (D) beat Steele (R) in Maryland. Cardin had a Michael J. Fox ad. Steele had a rebuttal ad with his little sister who has MS. So both favor stemcell research, but I guess a time-traveling teenage Nixon loving werewolf Hollywood doctor with Parkinson's beats a little sister with MS. I believe that is up there with "never get involved in a land war in Asia" and "never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line."
(EDIT: Maker that "a time-traveling teenage Nixon loving werewolf Hollywood doctor with Parkinson's beats a little sister ex-Mrs. Mike Tyson with MS." Who knew? Well, everyone apparently.)
Dan Rather is supposedly co-anchoring with Jon Steward tonight. Sweetness.
Russia's The Dead Hand
15 years ago