Friday, January 19

401, Thank You Robot, Gravid Water & Cage Match

My 401 improv class this week felt like a mini breakthrough moment. Certain things that had seemed contradictory in my brain just started to fit together. Things that seemed like constraints are now opening up, giving me freedom. I might be deluding myself but I think I'm making progress.

The lovely performers that I have been working with on Sunday practices have formed into a true improv team. We even picked a name: Thank You, Robot. Okay, admit it. That is an awesome name. Go make us your MySpace friend. We have lovely pictures of robots.

Last night I went to see Gravid Water at UCB. As always, it blew my socks off. Again, I never know how that show is viewed by non-actors and non-improvisers. There is so much of it that tickles me on technical/intellectual level. Last night they did the same scene twice, switching which character was player by the improviser. Fascinating to watch the subtle changes in tone and content. Gravid Water just reminds me how slippery words are and how poor humans are at communicating. That sounds like a back-handed compliment. It is meant as a true compliment. I think some of the truest character work I've seen in improv.

Anywhozits, it was fun to watch Dan Bakkedahl be an actor this time.

The Cage Match finals were last night too. Reuben Williams went up second and they were great. But they had a hard fight because of the stellar set Hot Sauce put up. Normally only a three man team, they were short on because Adam Pally was off exploring the Amazon (or something). So it was only 2/3rds of Hot Sauce but they put out an amazing amount of work. They are known for very quick scenes and they upped it with just Ben and Gil. It was like watching, well, a tornado of ideas and characters. Amazing callbacks and connections. So it didn't surprise me when they won. Props to you, boys. When Adam gets back and if he hasn't succumbed to malaria, I am sure he will be darn proud.

I also bruised my hip and ankle while performing acrobatics on the poles and overhead bars in an empty 1 subway train last night. My fellow acrobat apparently missed me falling four feet onto my back. But she had circus training so it wasn't a fair match up. Not that is was a competition. Either way, I feel like I got hit by a train... which is basically what happened.