Saturday, January 17

Good weeks of entertainment

24 started again on Monday.   Seeing Harold Night on Tuesday.  New The Office on Thursday.  Last I saw Code Duello improv at The PIT and then there was the return of Summer Fridays, topped off with the return of Battlestar Galactaca.  (I knew BSG was going to get darker before it showed hope... but... damn.)  Tonight TYR at the Village Latern followed by teching The Stamp & Coin Club show at The Red Room.  Coming on Wednesday is the return of Lost.  Thursday, the Improvised Shakespeare Company at Barrow Street.  Next Saturday, the improv Shakepeare workshop.  And TYR in The Inferno next Sunday.

Spinkle in writing and many gaming sessions (I'm sorry about today, Anna... I would rather be home gaming and not listening listening to this particular moron).

Oh yeah.  Obama become the President of the United States on Tuesday.
