Monday, January 12

Against All Odds: An Improvised Breakup

Last night was a last minute whipped together System Error show at the Parkside Lounge.  I still had tons of fun (big props to JR and LBizzy).

Since it was basically un-attended (thanks Bozarth for coming out... and LBizzy and LBizzy's friend who wasn't wasted like the Bizz-master), Nikki D. and I decided to try something we had talked about earlier in the week.

When I say "earlier in the week," let me be clear.  On Wednesday night I had an idea of a two-person improv form I wanted to try with Nikki.  On Thursday, I IMed her about it.  I believe our entire discussion about it was about 60 gChat lines from 10:30am to noon.  That was it.

So 80 hours later, without talking about it anymore than those 60 lines (besides saying "This seems like a good idea"), we were up on stage doing it.

And it was fun.  And I think it was funny.  And ripe with potential.  It's not a wholly original form or anything.  But it allows me (1) to do two-person improv which I've wanted to do for awhile, (2) do slower improv, (3) focus tightly on the relationship in a scene, (4) walk closer to that edge of sad and emotional and funny which is a space I enjoy, and (5) work with Nikki D. who I makes me happy, both as an improviser and a person.

It's very nice when things work out so well.

Anywhozits, Against All Odds: An Improvised Breakup is available for bookings.