Thursday, July 10


I can't quite believe it is Thursday. It is one of those weeks where I have felt trapped in a bubble. Being unable to leave the house during large chunks of time is like being on a another world.

But I am free now and the weather is fantastic.

Lately I've been making tiny connections with assorted people. Everything just feels bright and shiny this morning. I am also glad that this weekend will be a return to improv and classes and such. Holidays are dandy and all, but it cuts into some of the things that I love most. Musical improv on Saturday and a new 501 class on Sunday.

New classes are always and exciting time. New ways to look at things, new people to play with. I am especially excited about this on because it has a ton of folks in it that I've admired and what to perform with for a long time.

I may go see WALL•E again this afternoon.