Monday, July 7

I could use a superhero right about now

I saw Hancock yesterday, and while it was a seriously flawed movie (which I knew going it), it did get me thinking more about the state of the superhero genre movie. The movie with all of its mistakes and failures, does try to do some things somewhat new (a least for movies) that makes it good starting point or focus point to discuss how things are changing… especially in this summer of good superhero movies (Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Hellboy 2 and The Dark Knight) and adolescent power fantasies (Wanted).

So I had fully planned on writing a nice long rambling essay on the topic. But my life has been preempted by a home repair crisis. I am going to try to work on it between waiting for phone calls from contractors and such… if only so my mind doesn’t fixate on the hellish week ahead. I'll also be watching the below Dancing video over and over.
